5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Go Workout

We all have those days where the last thing we feel like doing is a workout. Motivation can fluctuate just like the number on a scale (which is why we hate them lolz). When you are struggling to remember your WHY, or get your butt in gear, use these five tips! 

1. Put on your gym clothes

Something about getting dressed to work out tricks our brain into thinking the workout is about to begin, therefore giving you a little much needed energy boost. Bonus points if you put your shoes on too! Rock your best gym fit and get to it. 

2. Write down your “WHY”

On days where we don’t feel motivated at all, it’s really easy to forget your WHY. So ask yourself: “why do I workout?”. Is it to be fit so you can pick up and care for your kids? Is it so you can live a longer, healthier life? Do you have a goal with your aesthetics? Are you trying to get stronger for a competition? Figure out your why and write that B down.

3. Create or find a new playlist to listen to 

Have you ever been working out and all of a sudden your jam comes on and you start CRANKING out reps? Yeah, us too. That’s why having some great music to listen to is so important. Scroll through Spotify to find a new playlist or create your own with all songs you love that hype you up. Listen to it when you aren’t feeling motivation. We strongly suggest Lizzo. 

4. Text a friend/ accountability buddy

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This African proverb wasn’t playing. When you are having days of little to no motivation, have a friend or gym buddy that you can text to get a little dose of motivation from. You can return the favor on their next tough day. 

5. Schedule Your workouts like an appointment 

If you had an important work meeting set up, would you skip it because you were “too tired” or “not feeling it”? If your answer was yes, then we need to talk. It’s time to start treating your workout like the important meeting that it is and write it down! Block time off on your calendar or in your phone calendar. You have an appointment with yourself that you DON’T CANCEL. 


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