Femme Fit Society

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Break the Cycle: Smart Training

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Physical Therapy = Smart Training and

Smart Training = Not Needing Physical Therapy.

As a PT that operates in a very non-traditional setting, I often get asked if I miss the clinic, why I chose this path, and if I think what I am doing is truly elevating the profession.

Let me take a step back and tell you a bit about what I do. I am a Physical Therapist by education, however, I own an online performance programming business in which I provide performance and rehab programming delivered in app with notes and videos for clients all over the country (and the world!)

Why? Because like I said, I believe smart training means not needing physical therapy, and if this bothers you as a PT, keep reading, because I absolutely love this profession and believe movement is medicine, just like you.

All too often this is the cycle of traditional care with high performing/ active humans:

  • Patient comes in for knee pain.

  • PT sees patient (under insurance) for knee pain and, usually, gets them out of knee pain.

  • Patient returns to doing the same BS (mind my language) things they were doing before - fitness programming and lifestyle factors - that caused their knee pain in the first place, and boom, it returns. It’s cyclical and ineffective in the long term.

**I am aware there are exceptions to this cycle and this is a blanket statement, I’m just saying this is what often happens, not always.***

Cue: Performance Programming. Instead of treating a body part for pain, I want to change the entire way you train and the way you approach training. This way we can stop your pain, potentially reduce pain in the future, and keep you moving and active during all phases of life and training, injured or healthy.

So what does it look like? Performance programming consists of a full assessment - you take videos and upload them - that extends well beyond what I could assess in an hour therapy appointment. We test mobility, strength, strength balance, stamina and stability, typically spanning over a week to 10 days of testing.

From there we discuss the summary of your findings, your goals, your lifestyle, your habits - sleep, fuel, stress management, relationships and so much more. We then come up with a plan that encompasses what I believe your body needs, what you WANT out of your training, and what fits into your schedule and lifestyle. We progress it week to week, season to season - adjusting for life stresses, such as travel, moving, having kids or gearing up for competitions - and check in on lifestyle factors every single week.

It is catered to you, for you, by a PT and strength coach, accounting for both rehab AND performance, because yes, both matter, and both can co-exist in one program.

And in my opinion, it is the future of healthcare, because movement truly IS medicine, and we all need it dosed and prescribed correctly.