Femme Fit Society

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Don’t Fear the Deadlift

The deadlift is a lift that many people avoid out of fear. Horror stories on social media showing people trying to move heavy weight and throwing out their backs have created a cultural fear around the movements.

But when you think about what a deadlift actually is, why are you afraid? Deadlifting is the most functional movement there is and you do it ALL THE TIME without even know it.

It literally is how to safely pick things up and put them down.

  • If you drop something on the ground, you need to deadlift it back up.

  • If you pick up your child up, that’s a deadlift.

  • If you bend over to tie your shoes, that’s a deadlift.

Instead of bending over with a hunched back, and not utilizing your hamstrings, a deadlift teaches you how to properly use one of the biggest muscles in your body.

Deadlifts help with:

  • posture

  • weight loss

  • bone density

  • and much more.

Don’t fear what you don’t know! Hire a coach to teach you the CORRECT way to deadlift and you will be glad you did.