Four Exercises to Grow Your Booty

Big booties are in, and we are HERE FOR IT. But, unless you are genetically gifted, or surgically enhancing those buns (you do you, boo), building bigger buns naturally takes HARD work and dedication. But nothing good comes easy, right? And no rappers write songs about little butts.  

If you are wondering how to grow that *peach emoji*, we’ve got a few exercises that target those buns to share:

  1. Glute Bridges/Hip Thrusts. Doing glute bridges (also referred to as hip thrusts) whether they are weighted, unweighted, elevated, on a bench, on the floor, etc. will really target those glute muscles. Pro tip: pause at the top of the glute bridge for a few seconds for full booty activation. 

  2. Deadlifts. This is one of the best exercises when it comes to hitting your posterior chain (back, glutes, hamstrings, calves) and there are so many variations to a deadlift that can hone in on different areas. Pro tip: sumo deadlifts (a wide stance with toes pointed outwards) puts your body in optimal position to hit those buns. 

  3. Bulgarian Split Squats. These are a variation of a lunge, where one foot stays put on the ground, while the back foot is elevated up to a bench. This elevated foot puts your legs in optimal position to really target those glutes. These can be a killer, especially when you start to add weight. You can hold a dumbbell in each hand, or if you’re a little more seasoned with these: put a barbell on your back. 

  4. Abduction. If you are working out at a gym with machines, this is everyone’s favorite machine to make eye contact with others on: resistance is provided to the outside of the legs so that when you push to open your legs, you have resistance that targets the gluteus medius (side of the butt). If you aren’t working out at a gym, you can absolutely still do abductor exercises. Grab a band (you can snag fabric booty bands for cheap on Amazon, and the tighter the band, the better) and put it right above your knees. Legs start together, and each rep you will press out against the band as hard as you can to engage the glutes. You can do these in a seated position, or laying on your side (often referred to as clamshells). 


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