Femme Fit Society

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How to Fix Ripped Hands

Search for #crossfithands on most social media outlets and you will find thousands of pictorials of people proudly holding up their “warrior wounds,” also known as rips.

Hand rips in the CrossFit world have become a rite of passage —a sign that you are working hard and progressing in the sport — but what CrossFitters come to find out quickly is that injured, torn hands are not fun; they are painful and they interfere with their WOD.

Most athletes are aware that if you are participating in a heavy-handed sport, your hands will become callused: For some, ripping those calluses is inevitable even with grips (just ask a gymnast). Preventing the calluses from thickening and hardening to the tearing point is where daily maintenance becomes critical, and staying on top of the vicious rip-heal–rip cycle is key.

This is where RipFix steps in.

RipFix is not only an amazingly quick rip remedy but when used daily, along with a pumice stone, it is a great preventative and maintenance tool-helping your hands stay primed for your sport.

There is a big difference between healthy and un-healthy calluses. The minute your calluses start to turn color (yellow, white or brown) it’s time to take them down. Calluses should not be hard mounds of painful, discolored, flakey skin… They should be pliable so they work with you , not against you.

How to Fix Ripped Hands

1. Clean hands and disinfect the wound.

2. Cut the skin away as close to the rip line as possible

3. Pack RipFix generously in to the fresh rip. Do not rub it in, let it sit,

preferably overnight.

4. Loosely wrap with gauze to allow some air into the wound.

5. Watch RipFix do it’s magic.

How to Care for Callused hands.

1. Keep a pumice stone in the shower.

2. Take the wet pumice stone on a wet callused hand and gently pumice the

top layers of skin off of the calluses.

3. Repeat on the other hand rubbing for about 3 mins on each hand to

smooth out all the rough edges.

4. Rub RipFix in to freshly filed down hands.

5. Watch RipFix do it’s magic

Keep those hands healthy. They are your number one tool.

Use code GirlsGoneRx to save 20% on RipFix