Friendly Reminder: People Workout for a Number of Reasons

If you’re new(ish) to the gym, you might be super conscious of what other people are thinking about your workout.

If you’re a seasoned gym vet, you might be tempted to analyze and critique other people’s workouts.

In both cases, it’s helpful to remember that people are in the gym for a number of different reasons, many of which might be different from yours, and many of which you know nothing about.

Here’s a short list of why someone might be doing the workout they’re doing, and a key takeaway at the end:

  • Improving athleticism.

  • Bodybuilding.

  • Powerlifting.

  • Cross training for running.

  • CrossFit.

  • Olympic lifting.

  • General health.

  • Rehab.

  • Actively injured.

  • Prepartum.

  • Postpartum.

  • Currently pregnant.

  • New lifter.

  • Old lifter.

  • Having fun.

  • Training.

  • Mental health.

  • Social hour.

  • Athlete.

  • Former athlete.

  • Weight loss.

  • Weight gain.

  • In season.

  • Off season.

  • Learning something new.

  • Technique.

  • Imbalances.

  • PRs.

  • Volume.

  • Hypertrophy.

  • Depression.

  • Anxiety.

  • Eating disorder.

  • Exercise obsession.

  • Body dysmorphia.

  • Disease prevention.

  • Playing around.

  • Sport-specific.

  • Crunched for time.

  • Invisible illness/handicap.

  • Joy.

The takeaway:

Nobody knows what you’re doing but you. Keep doing you.

You don’t know what anyone is doing but you. Keep doing you.

Emily Steele

Based in Fort Worth, TX but hailing from south Louisiana, Emily is a writer and creator at heart with a passion for promoting strong, confident women and human kindness all around. Emily has a background in elementary education, but made the shift to personal training and self-confidence coaching for women in 2017 before taking on her current full-time marketing role. She still loves to write about the societal narratives surrounding girls and women, lift big weights and run big trails, and you can catch her snuggling with her German Shepherd or doing house projects with her husband, Michael, when she’s not writing, lifting, or working.

Low Impact Cardio Exercises


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