Femme Fit Society

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The Valkyrie Fitness Competition

Calling all Florida ladies! There’s a new comp coming to town in Tampa Bay on Saturday, March 9th called the Valkyrie Fitness Competition. This competition is more than an all-female competition, it is all about women supporting other women. 

The Valkyrie Fitness Comp is an all-female CrossFit competition that aims to celebrate womanhood and strength while promoting empowerment, inclusivity, and healthy competition. The event will provide a platform for women of all fitness levels to showcase their athletic abilities, foster camaraderie, and inspire each other to reach new heights. 

Through a combination of challenging workouts, inspiring speakers, and community engagement, The Valkyrie will establish itself as a premier event for women in the CrossFit Tampa Bay community.

Not only will this competition feature all-female competitors, but the organizers are female, and all the vendors/sponsors will be local female-owned businesses as well! 

A portion of the proceeds from this competition will go to a local non-profit that helps women in shelters as part of the mission to give back to women in the community.

“We started the Valkyrie comp because we wanted something that was for women and by women. We wanted to create something completely unique and innovative in the functional fitness space,” said Jaime Filer, co-founder of the Valkyrie competition. “From a competition standpoint, we are trying to help women who might feel intimidated by the Fitness space because of how male-dominated it is. And from a business standpoint, we are trying to help women owned/operated businesses, as well as offer support through our charity contribution to shelters for women who need it.” 

Registration for the competition is live! Check out their Instagram page here

Are you hosting an all female fitness competition? Send us a DM! We’d love to feature you :)