Femme Fit Society

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Your Core Probably Isn’t Weak

Your core probably isn’t weak.

If you have ever had back pain - you have probably been told “your core is weak” or given some simple core exercises to do - likely while laying on your back on the floor - to improve your core strength.

The truth is: your core probably isn’t that weak. Can you sit down and stand up? Can you get up off the floor? Yes and yes? Those core exercises you're doing in supine are probably not doing all that much for your strength.

The unfortunate reality is that it is easier to tell someone their “core is weak” than take the time needed to assess their strength, strength balance, mobility, stability, and discuss their lifestyle factors and training to figure out what is going on. So instead, all too often, our health care system slaps an umbrella diagnosis on it, sends you home with some exercises that are not catered to you or what may be going on, and instills fear of movement.

If you are suffering from back pain, here are 5 things to look at as a starting point for getting out of pain that have nothing to do with your ‘weak core’:

  1. SLEEP. Are you getting enough sleep? We will continuously exceed our capacity if we do not get enough sleep. 7-9 hours of sleep a night, consistent wake and sleep times, and QUALITY sleep are essential for getting out of pain.

  2. Progressive overload. Despite what you may see on instagram, you SHOULD be loading and strengthening your back (even in a rounded position)! Are you on a strength training program that is progressively loading your back (and legs and arms) over time?

  3. Protein. Protein. Protein. Are you eating enough protein? If you are trying to build muscle and stay healthy you should be eating about 1g per lb or body weight - are you close?

  4. Movement. How long are you staying in the same position for? Are you sitting for hours on end for work? You should be getting up every 45 minutes to an hour and moving for at least a minute. The only bad posture is the one you spend too much time in.

  5. Stress management. Do you have any strategies outside of exercise for stress management? If the gym is your only outlet, you are likely to run yourself into the ground and get hurt. You have to have other practices - journaling, meditating, walks, whatever works for you - to deal with stress.

If you have back pain and have been told you have a weak core, let’s chat.