10 Exercises That Require ZERO Equipment

With summer rapidly approaching, you probably have some awesome vacations planned. One thing you don’t want to stress about during vacation is where and when you will be able to work out based on equipment. 

For those of us used to picking up barbells or using machines, it can be tough to break ourselves of the mentality that we need equipment to get a great workout in. So here is some inspiration for you! This is a list of exercises that require absolutely no equipment, and still get you a great workout. 

Exercises that require zero equipment: 

  1. Running. Love or hate it, you can always go on a run. If you aren’t a distance runner, you can work this in with other exercises so you don’t get bored or do shorter distances.

  2. Squats. Bodyweight squats in high volume can be a KILLER (just look at the jelly legs everyone gets during Murph). Getting some squats in will always help with a great workout. You can vary this by grabbing an object, holding your child who wants to workout with you, or even add a jump at the top to get some cardio!

  3. Lunges. Oh, the beauty of lunges: so many variations. Walking, stationary, reverse, split squats, bulgarian split squats (elevating your back leg on a chair or side of the couch). High volume lunges will have you feeling some type of way, even on vacay. 

  4. Glute bridges. Work on the booty without doing weighted hip thrusts with a simple bodyweight glute bridge. Take it to the next level by going single leg, using a tempo, or elevating your feet onto a chair or stair.

  5. Push-ups. While I dread doing push ups, they are one of the best upper body no equipment exercises and you can do them literally anywhere. Vary them to your ability by going to your knees or to an elevated height if needed!

  6. Dips. While these might technically require a piece of equipment, it’s nothing you won’t be able to find anywhere you go! Use a step, chair, park bench, beach chair, whatever you can elevate yourself on to do some tricep dips. Get those arms burning quick! 

  7. Planks. When you lack equipment, most of the time you can still get a killer ab workout. Plank holds, crunches, russian twists, all the above can be done with zero equipment. 

  8. Jumping. There are a lot of forms of jumping: jacks, on boxes, on a stair, over a crack in the pavement, with a jump rope if you have the access. Just make sure you don’t jump onto an unstable surface! Nothing like jumping onto something that moves. 

  9. Donkey Kicks. *Instagram model alert* booty exercises on the floor are one of the easiest no-equipment necessary movements. Don’t forget fire hydrants or straight leg kicks either!

  10. Single Leg Deadlifts. Hamstrings can be lit up without any weight. Meet the single leg deadlift (unless you have already met, if so- you know). 


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