5 Ways to Slow Your Metabolism Down

Have you ever wondered why you seem to have a more sluggish metabolism than other people?! Let’s talk about it! 

First, let’s discuss what metabolism is and how it impacts women throughout life: 
Women’s metabolism plays a crucial role in their overall health and well-being. Metabolism refers to the complex set of chemical processes that convert food into energy, and it varies among individuals. Women generally experience fluctuations in metabolism throughout their lives, influenced by factors such as age, gut health, food quality, hormonal changes, and lifestyle. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone also impact metabolism, influencing how the body stores and utilizes energy.

Our bodies are extremely complex and change a lot throughout life, and sometimes you might feel like you’re spinning in circles trying to find the right things to do to support your health so you look and feel your very best.

Avoid doing these things if you want a speedy and active metabolism:

1. Skipping breakfast

2. Consider collagen in your coffee as an adequate breakfast

3. Skip weightlifting

4. Restrict calories all day long until you get home and binge on food, sugar, and alcohol

5. Consistently sit more than 2-3 hours at a time throughout your day

INSTEAD… try this:

1. Have a healthy PEAK plate breakfast with protein, fats, and fibers to start your day

2. Drink 12-20 oz of water before your coffee

3. Weightlift 3 times/week

4. Eat 2-3 PEAK plates/day and have 2-3 PEAK snacks on hand to balance blood sugar

5. Aim to get 8k+ steps/day but also spread your movement out throughout the day

Improving your health, wellness, and happiness doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does have to be consistent! Start small, just start.


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