Four Tips to Help You PR Your Backsquat

Ever hit a backsquat plateau? Here are 4 tips to help you reach new PRs!

1) Assess your deficiencies. 

  • Are you getting stuck at the bottom of your squat? Try adding Elevator Squats and Paused Squats to your weekly routine!

2) Increase the frequency and volume of squats in your weekly program. 

  • Sometimes going heavy every time is not the answer. We recommend adding volume on a regular basis to your routine to build a stronger foundation of your lifts. (ex. 4x10 @60%)

  • Aim for a minimum of 3x/week squatting in your weekly routine and don't forget to switch it up with front squats.

3) Strengthen your posterior chain with accessory movements. 

  • Either as a primer, during, or after you squat routine, add some of these movements to help you increase stability and strength in your posterior chain: KB Romanian Deadlifts, Single Leg Hamstring Curls, Good Mornings, and Bulgarian Split Squats. 

4) Develop your core strength. 

  • A lot of times, you fail or hit a plateau in your squat due to a lack of core strength and the ability to transfer the energy/power from your legs to full extension at the top of the squat. Be sure to add things like static holds, KB Swings, GHD Sit Ups, and Bottom of Squat Barbell Holds to your program. 

Lindsay Warren

My name is Lindsay Warren and I am a women’s powerlifting gym owner, the Powerlifting Meet Director for Girls Gone Rx, an NCAA National Champion, Level 2 CF Trainer, USAW Certified Weightlifting Coach, and a rescue dog mom.

I am originally from Los Angeles and made my way to Denver back in 2014 and am constantly in awe of the beauty the Colorado mountains share. I first opened my gym in 2015 as CrossFit Kali and have slowly shifted our focus to strength training throughout the years. We now have multiple lifting platforms and cater all of our programming for the female physique and have the best community out there!

When I’m not in the gym or coaching, you’ll find me wandering the trails in rocky mountains.


Website: girlsgonerx


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