Femme Fit Society

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How Do I Get Abs?

When you scroll through Instagram or TikTok you might see fitness influencers out there boast that the workouts they are sharing are the key to getting a six pack. But are you hitting those workouts, and still not seeing those rock hard abs when you pull your shirt up? Yeah, neither are we. 

While those influencers might have abs, they aren’t showing you the other aspects that go into having the washboard abs that so many of us dream of. Unfortunately, most of the factors to having abs are due to nutrition, not exercise. 

No, we aren’t saying that all fitness influencers are out there to trick you into believing that you can get abs. We’re simply saying that they aren’t showing you ALL of the things that go into getting the result you want. 

So, unless you are very genetically gifted (which most of us are not) here is the REAL way to get rock hard abs, without sugar coating it: 

You need to eat CLEAN AF. 

Have you ever heard the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen”? It’s unfortunately true. Having abs comes from eating very clean foods that don’t cause you to bloat, or gain body fat. This means:  

  • Avoiding processed foods: foods that come from a box and aren’t whole, real foods

  • Eating a high protein diet: making sure that you are eating foods that are slower to digest, therefore keeping your metabolism active 

  • Avoiding added sugars: sneaky sugars added to foods that we think are healthy. Always check out the nutrition info on the label

  • Finding the proper macro ratio: eating a good balance of protein, carbs (like vegetables and fruits) and healthy fats to keep your body composition low

Bottom line is, to get abs you need to:

  • Keep your body composition low by eating clean 

  • Hit workouts that build your core 

  • Have patience 

Abs aren’t made overnight. It takes time, patience and discipline. You will have to sacrifice cheat meals, make sure you get your workouts in and have patience that all of your hard work will pay off. But if you combine these things, you will have the abs you’ve always wanted!