Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

Having Realistic Weight Loss Expectations

It’s unfortunately all too common to watch people dive into working out and dieting head first, only to find out that the results don’t come nearly as fast as they want to. Having realistic expectations for the timeline is so important!

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Kat Suchet Kat Suchet

Running In Pregnancy

Can you run in pregnancy? How hard can you go? And for how long? What do you need to look out for and when should you stop? You've asked for it, we've been eagerly awaiting it and it's finally here.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

The Double Standard of Attitude vs. Passion in Sports

While women’s sports have taken major strides with more sports being televised, more opportunities being offered for women, and bigger stages being set for women who are excelling at their sport, there are still MANY growing pains as we get closer to reaching equality within sport.

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Breanne Davis-Shoemaker Breanne Davis-Shoemaker

Tips & Tricks for Getting Kids Involved in an At-Home Fitness Routine - Part 1

Parents who value health ultimately hope to pass those values on to their kids. There’s a desire to build confidence, motivation, and a love for movement. There’s a hope to create an environment that will allow their kids to build lifelong healthy habits surrounding health, fitness, and wellness.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

Benefits of Incorporating Olympic Weightlifting into Your Training

Olympic weightlifting can LOOK intimidating, but the snatch and the clean and jerk and really just high skill and technique movements. Similar to a gymnastics movement, or a box jump, or a movement where the mechanics of HOW you perform that specific movement are very important.

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Kat Suchet Kat Suchet

Dealing With Diastasis?

Diastasis is the natural stretching of the linea alba, the connective tissue that connects the abdominals, to make way for your growing baby. It’s also completely natural, with 100% of women in their 3rd trimester having a diastasis.

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