Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

Gym Anxiety is Real

Having anxiety when you walk into the gym is a very common issue many people struggle with. In fact, so many people struggle with this that they created the term “gymtimidation” to describe that intimidated feeling many of us get.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

The Valkyrie Fitness Competition

Calling all Florida ladies! There’s a new comp coming to town in Tampa Bay on Saturday, March 9th called the Valkyrie Fitness Competition. This competition is more than an all-female competition, it is all about women supporting other women. 

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Dr. Karlie Causey Dr. Karlie Causey

4 Pieces of Equipment Every New Mom Needs

As every new mom knows, there is a LOT of equipment that comes with a new baby. 

While I’m not trying to add to the clutter of gear that is taking over your once organized home, there are a few items that I have found most beneficial for new moms.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

10 Tips to Get Better at CrossFit

Whether it’s your first day walking into a CrossFit gym, or your 500th class: we can always improve in the gym. Use these 10 tips!

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

Osteoporosis: What It Is and How to Avoid It

A conversation with my mother in law about keeping her bones and muscles strong, lead me to believe that maybe a lot of women don’t know the risks they face if they don’t do any resistance training.

I want to educate you on osteoporosis: what it is, why you should care, and what you can do to avoid it.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

Don’t Fear the Deadlift

The deadlift is a lift that many people avoid out of fear. Horror stories on social media showing people trying to move heavy weight and throwing out their backs have created a cultural fear around the movements.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

My Honest Review of Barre Class

As an avid CrossFit athlete, I figured I could crush pretty much any workout presented to me. 

So I went into my first ever Barre class with confidence. Mistake. 

It kicked my ASS. 

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