Emily Steele Emily Steele

Friendly Reminder: People Workout for a Number of Reasons

If you’re new(ish) to the gym, you might be super conscious of what other people are thinking about your workout.

If you’re a seasoned gym vet, you might be tempted to analyze and critique other people’s workouts.

In both cases, it’s helpful to remember that people are in the gym for a number of different reasons, many of which might be different from yours, and many of which you know nothing about.

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Emily Steele Emily Steele

Things You Need To Know If You Want To Be A Runner

Running is more than a resolution for lots of people. It has somehow become a superior identity.

“I want to be a runner!” people say. “Oh she’s a runner,” we say, immediately catapulting someone to another caste entirely. Why exclusively with running, though? Why not “a swimmer?” “a biker?” “a rower?” “a walker?”

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

Four Exercises to Grow Your Booty

Big booties are in, and we are HERE FOR IT. But, unless you are genetically gifted, or surgically enhancing those buns (you do you, boo), building bigger buns naturally takes HARD work and dedication. But nothing good comes easy, right? And no rappers write songs about little butts.

If you are wondering how to grow that *peach emoji*, we’ve got a few exercises that target those buns to share:

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

How Do I Get Abs?

When you scroll through Instagram or TikTok you might see fitness influencers out there boast that the workouts they are sharing are the key to getting a six pack. But are you hitting those workouts, and still not seeing those rock hard abs when you pull your shirt up? Yeah, neither are we.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

Try This Beach Workout If You’re on Vacay

If you find yourself at the beach house with friends and family and want to still get a workout in, but don’t have any equipment- use this bodyweight, equipment free beach workout! 

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

10 Spotify Playlists to Help You Crush Your Workout

Picture this: you’re on a run and feel like you can’t make it one more step, let alone another mile. You’ve got your headphones in and all of a sudden THAT song comes on. The one that gives you chills. The one that makes you feel like you can do anything. Suddenly, your legs start moving faster and you push past the limits you thought you had.

THAT is the power of music.

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Kelly Sekulovski Kelly Sekulovski

5 Double-Under Tips

When most people think of CrossFit, they can be intimidated by the crazy gymnastics movements like ring muscle-ups and handstand push-ups, or by the heavy barbells. 

Then you experience a workout with double-unders for the first time. 

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